Get Clothing

We provide free children’s clothing size preemie to 14/16Y to all families, no qualifications needed.

What We Provide


Gently-used, season appropriate shirt and pant outfits, including pajamas


New pairs of underwear and socks


Gently-used and season appropriate shoes


Gently-used coats and jackets during necessary seasons

Frequently Asked

Not seeing an answer to your question? Email us at to connect with a team member.

  • There are no qualifications needed in order to receive a free bag of clothing. We do not need to see ID and anyone can pick up your order on your behalf.

  • Lambswear does NOT provide diapers. Contact other organizations near you for items that we do not supply.

  • Lambswear does NOT launder items. We encourage our clothing items to be laundered before donating and suggest that families launder items received in their orders.

  • Lambswear does NOT deliver to homes. We have multiple public locations listed on the order form to meet with families to receive their clothing orders.

    The person on the order listed as Point of Contact (POC) is expected to provide a way to pick up the bags when contacted.

  • You may order two (2) times a year. Spring/Summer items are packed March through August and Fall/Winter items are packed September through February.

  • Lambswear only supplies what is listed on our forms in those sizes. We cannot guarantee availability of every item since we rely on community donations.

    Contact other organizations near you for items we do not offer.

We will not be accepting new orders until January 1st. Happy Holidays!

Clothing Request Form

Fill out one (1) order form per child who wears sizes preemie to 14/16 youth only. Each time to hit you submit, you will have the option to fill out another child's order, with no limit.

It may take some time for you to get a call regarding your pickup.

Having trouble with the form? Email us directly at

*Please note, if you’ve opted for the Spanish translation of this form, your delivery driver may not speak Spanish.

Get involved with Lambswear.